Tuesday, August 10, 2010

All In a Day's Work

I used to enjoy reading the stories in Reader's Digest...under the heading above...All In A Day's Work....I still remember some of the stories I read over 20 years ago. (My mom used to get the magazine....when I run across one at the Library...I still flip to see the stories..) I won't go into all of them now...I'd never finish! hahaha...but when I was telling Brenna about a patron at work this afternoon...I thought about the Reader's Digest stories. I don't care what job you might have....there are always stories about the things you do or the people you come in contact with in the course of the day. I know I'm speaking for myself...but really...I think everyone must have moments where they think..."We really should write a book about this...or a TV show...or something"
Working at the Library is always interesting...we seem to draw some unusual characters...people I swear I never see anywhere else around town. Talker that I am...I enjoy chatting about books/movies/whatever that are coming in or going out. I love seeing what people like to read....and I really like when I find a kindred spirit...the one with the stack of movies that contains "Young Frankenstein", "The Commitments" Waking Ned Devine" or someone with books by my favorite authors. Once you get to know the person you can compare notes. I wonder about the ones who take home stacks of books or movies about serial killers...kind of weird if you ask me..to spend all your time watching movies about these creeps! I used to think I would have enjoyed being a mail sorter (in the "old" days)...I could have spent hours daydreaming about where the letters and cards were going...seeing all the little town names, etc. But...that's another story.
The other thing that's fun is listening to different stories from the patrons....why they liked a certain book except the serial killer ones...I don't WANT to know...hahalike the elderly gentleman who told me about his experience the time the circus came to town when he was 14 or so.....this was while he returned "Water for Elephants" (a great book!). The funny story of the day however...really didn't have anything to do with a book...just a patron telling us why we hadn't sen her for a while.
Seems she was watching TV one night and in her words "I did a stupid, stupid thing" she saw an exercise program where apparently the host of the show lifted her leg up over a chair and then swung it back over the chair . "That looks easy...I can handle that" she thought...(OK now I need to tell you she appeared to be in her mid to upper 70's) Well she lifted and swung...but on the way back over the chair...she hit the chair...her leg stopped and she fell and the chair landed on top of her. Now she was laughing...and I'm sure I had a goofy grin on my face...because I could imagine something like this happening late at night...(things tend to look easier or more enticing the later it gets haha)but it was pretty funny. And then we had the lady today who seemed to be very proud of the fact that she was "on her sixth marriage"... she told us that at least 5 times and her email was "unchainedx5" Ooookay..........well...it goes on and on...never a (well rarely) a dull moment.....and plenty of things to laugh about. Maybe it's just me.....but as long as I can have a few laughs...I can handle it. All in a Day's Work................

1 comment:

  1. AHHH the e-mail address is SO FUNNy!!!! I wonder if she has a vanity license tag too?
