Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Virginia Beach Art Show

We were off to Virginia Beach this past weekend to join my brother David and other family members at the Boardwalk Art Show in Virginia. David was there with Paul to help him with set-up and other tasks, we stayed at Elizabeth's house. (we were also celebrating Ryan's recent graduation.) Rob and Shane drove down from DC and arrived at the house just as John and I pulled up. Megan joined us later that night ...she drove down after work...arrived about it was sort of like a mini reunion. Brenna could not join us...she was on the road with a Budget Rental truck full of her belongings heading from DC to Huntsville, Alabama. Eleen and Erik were busy in NY...Erik was receiving an Alumni Award so they couldn't get away....and it was a long way for a weekend trip for Martha. Mark isn't taking any time off these the Shuttle program winds down and jobs are on the line...he feels like being there is where he needs to be!
Elizabeth got the idea to book a room right down at the David and Paul could stay right by the show...and we could all use the room to cool off, take a nap go to the bathroom...keep our stuff... etc...and that was GREAT! Here's the view from the room.
signs along the boardwalk
David and Megan (hat courtesy of Elizabeth)
there was a large area with food favorite "booth"
The beach was right on the other side of the boardwalk of course...and we had our chairs and umbrella ready and waiting....John, Shane, Liz getting organized
Paul, David, Shane and Ryan trying to stay cool....(the weather was actually pretty cooled off a little...and was hot...but pleasant!
Rob and Paul tending the booth and watching the crowd in the comfy chairs
cousins...Meredith came down Saturday afternoon after spending the day at her Dad's. Jack stopped by for a visit.
David and Megan
Ryan with Uncle Paul
taking a break on a nearby bench
Elizabeth planned a dinner for Saturday night to celebrate Ryan's High school graduation...we all went. A An artist friend of David's joined us...he's also from Melbourne area...Mike Nemnich (sp?)
John & Megan

Paul, Elizabeth and Anne
Ryan and Megan...cousins that look like they could be siblings.....
all in all we had a great weekend. we were slightly disorganized...hahaha...trying to get everyone going in 3 vehicles...all at the same can imagine....John was very patient...he never said a word I'm sure he was going crazy! but we had fun. Summer in Virginia is and it wasn't too hot. Beach was nice...people watching was fun...and I got two pieces of art!

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