Monday, April 5, 2010

Waking up with a flash and a boom!

This is what the sky looks like now...abou 45 minutes after the launch...the "trail" has turned into a sort of weird's fun to watch it changing!

and a quick look at the moon again. my little camera REALLY does not capture this...but it was pretty cool. We are counting down :( the last few Shuttle launches and this was one of the last scheduled to go in the darkened sky. Here's the view to the south...before the launch. Clear sky...half moon at t-minus 1 minute and counting.
Then...turning to the start to see the sky lighting I could hear people cheering down the road "There it is...there it is!" Clapping and whistling too. (The street light is on the right...looks a little orangey).
As it went up the whole sky lit up and that BOOM...I love the it breaks the sound barrier! That's when all the dogs start barking! (and later I will have to straighten all my pictures on the wall...that's what is so amazing...we are about 40 miles hear it and feel is amazing!)
Again..this doesn't begin to show what it looked like...but it's all I've got. hahaha
It looked like a giant comet...with a bright trail behind it. You can't always see the trail...but I guess the atmospheric conditions were just right..because the "cloud" left behind and the trail behind the rocket were really bright this time.
and then....
it was off into space...and I was off to get ready for work!

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