Monday, April 19, 2010


Yesterday John, Ron, Mark and Jim went out all day (left at 2:00am- returned at 7:30pm) I was actually starting to get a little worried....but I figured I wouldn't worry too much until dark...fortunately that didn't happen... they got in before that! Compared to last this season has been slow.But now the water is starting to warm up and the fish are moving. John and Ron and others have been out several times...catching a few fish each time...but no BIG catches like last year...until yesterday they finally got their limit!As they arrived back was raining lightly....and it was one dirty, wet, tired looking crew...but they were smiling because they had fish!
Mark and Ron filled the cooler with ice and packed the fish in for cleaning today.
packing them in

Unloading the fish in the dark... but it wasn't too dark for a quick photo or two! a big dolphin!
Last time Jim and John went out it was a rough day and they only got a few small Jim was really smiling last night!
some tuna...soon to be sushi!
one fish still had the hook and ballyhoo attached
funny looking Tile fish
Ron with a dolphin and a tile...John with a tuna fillet
Cleaning table/sushi serving doesn't get any fresher than that!
We've had some other fish this year...but this was the first big catch...and it was fun! Ron cleaned it all...John, Paul, David and I sampled it as he cleaned it. Fish for dinner tomorrow!

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