Friday, April 9, 2010

Birthdays,Birthdays, Birthdays!

Today is my brother Mark's birthday...and I joined him at Longdoggers after work today to celebrate. He was enjoying the evening with John, Ron and M.W. and all the crew at Longdoggers when I arrived.
Today is also Kiena's birthday! She is 10 years old today! I can't believe we've had her for 10 years...I never had a dog before this...and she is my little buddy. who can drive me crazy some days! hahah She is a barker! Can you tell Kiena was leery about posing next to this birthday cake puppet! hahah She didn't know what I was going to do..but she didn't like it....ha
The promise of a treat always does the trick...hahah..and I got her to sit next to the birthday cake!
Mark who is VERY low key...was enjoying a few beers courtesy of Ron, Al and John and? He got pied in the face by Al... I missed that! All the girls were wishing him Happy Birthday and before he left he was treated to some wings by a regular..."Red"...and when I say regular...I mean I don't think I have EVER been to Longdoggers when Red was not there! So Mark...Mr. Low Key was really enjoying his birthday and that was nice to see! He reported that our sisters Ellen and Elizabeth had well as my brother -in-law Rob... who also celebrates a birthday today. Happy Birthday Mark! Happy birthday Kiena! Happy Birthday Rob!

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