Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Kitchen Project Continues

The plumbers and electricians things are working again...The new microwave is in
my oven is back,,,already baked a batch of cookies :)!
and my new valance arrived...but it's not up can kind of see the new granite in the background. Nothing dramatic...but I like it all together. Yesterday was my day off...and I spent a good part of the day putting things back into the cabinets and drawers...I can see the floor out on the I can see progress! Still have plenty to put away though ...maybe tomorrow.. The good thing about a project like this is the other basic upgrades you can make along with the new extra electrical outlets....and under cabinet lighting..a nice addition. And really the best thing about this whole thing (project) that I wasn't expecting to do this I never lost any sleep over planning it's just all coming together with John taking charge! and that's fine with me. (I picked out the valance...haha and helped select the colors for the granite and the cabinets...)

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