Friday, February 19, 2010

More on the robins....

So...according to an article in our local paper (Florida Today) the robins passing through town are stopping for a rest and feasting on fermented berries...resulting in a bunch of drunken birds! No wonder I usually hear them before I see them! hahaha I guess they're all out back having a big party!The birds feast on all kinds of fruit including palm berries and Brazilian Pepper Tree seeds. When the weather gets below freezing here....the berries left rotting on the trees begin to ferment.'s like Mardi Gras for the birds! They are having a good time...but apparently there is a danger of them flying into glass windows and car windshields. I am happy to report I haven't seen any accidents...just lots of happy, noisy birds. (and really not too much of a mess!) And it's just kind of fun to walk outside and see birds EVERYWHERE! Mostly robins...but assorted others in on the fun....eating, chirping and then moving on!

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