Saturday, January 30, 2010

Home again

So....for the last 9 days I have been home by my lonesome...while John was off on a trip he's had in the works for almost a year. He went to Nicaragua with John M, L.J. and Chuck. They were going to a spot that is pretty much "undiscovered" in hopes of having it all to themselves. Back in the late 70's, early 80's John used to travel down to Costa Rica to surf. He'd take off for a month or long as possible, and just surf and travel around the country. Back then no one knew about Costa it was uncrowded and really "primitive" as far as accommodations go. No electricity..etc. Last year he went with a couple of friends back to CR for about two weeks...but was disappointed by the number of surfers that were there. He had fun....but missed the old days. He started looking around on the Internet an found what looked like the perfect destination. Parts of Nicaragua get more surfers...but the spot they were going does not. He made the plans and got three friends to join him.....Not knowing exactly what they were in for...he was a little nervous...but ready to go. Well....after the second day there...they had already caught fish, hiked up Volcano Negro and snowboarded down into it and surfed on some great waves.
He was tired but very happy when he called me, Last time I talked to him he said they had been surfing 3-5 ft waves each day (exactly what he had hoped for...not too big...but big enough)and most of the time they were the only 4 people in the water. They had seen a few other surfers passing through...but pretty was them and the guides. Sounds like a perfect vacation. Can't wait to see the pictures and video when they return tomorrow. well I'm sure I won't see anything tomorrow...but you know what I mean *Of it turns out...this month's copy of SURFER Magazine has a picture of one of the spots they were planning to surf today.. so next time they go there may be a few more people down there after this gets out!
So...while he was off.....I've been just doing my regular routine here in Indialantic. Me and the dog...enjoying the big bed all to ourselves. When John's gone...I miss him...but I know he's coming I also enjoy my space. I've gotten things organized...took some stuff to the Sharing Center.we'll see how long it takes John to notice that all those bags I've been accumulating are now gone! I went to get a massage, I gave blood....just keeping myself busy. Wednesday night Chuck's wife Pat invited me and 3 others over for hors d' oeuvres and wine. After work I headed over for a fun evening of tasty treats and good conversation. We ate mozzarella, brie en croute with raspberry preserves, salmon, pasta and a few other things. A couple of glasses of wine and we talked about everything from the guy's trip, to our kids, work, current name it...we talked about it.haha Then we had a sampling of some delicious desserts....just a bit of each...but I'm still thinking about that chocolate turtle thing! The PLAN was for us to come over for a couple of hours...since most of us had to work the next day. Well....8:30pm came and went and all of the sudden I realized it was 11:00pm...I looked at Pat and said..."Don't you have to go to bed soon?" She started putting things away while Gayle and Nancy contiued to talk...and Pat and I laughed when she started turning off the lights...I told her she needed to get the broom out...and we'd go...Nancy and Gayle didn't want to leave...Pat laughed and told them /us we could keep talking as long as we wanted...we just had to find somewhere else to do it. Hahaha It was fun...and I appreciated the invitation after a week by myself. Friday night I joined some friends at where else but Longdoggers. Today I had to work 9:30 to 2:30....and then did my usual routine around here. Took a bike ride, walked the dog, caught up on Season One of Greek....(I love that just started back up for this season last week!) And now...I am ready for things to get back to normal. I miss hearing John up and about at 4:30am...haha...well he does bring me coffee and bagels or breakfast sandwiches before work...since I do not get up early enough to have time to do it myself....if it's not here...I'm probably not going out of my way to get it! I miss all those little things he does for me. It will be nice for him to be back...all relaxed and happy....he deserved a break. I'm glad it turned out to be all he hoped for...a great group to travel with and exactly the conditions he was hoping for!

PS- Megan this one's for the way...I have the AC on tonight...!

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