Saturday, December 5, 2009

It could only be this......

It's game day and therefore this is the perfect choice for today. We are hoping for a good, exciting game. It would be great if the Gators could pull off an undefeated season!...another championship perhaps...but of course one game at a time! On any given day ANY team can win...but I do feel that the Gators really have a TEAM and they are truly playing for the team not for themselves. I have seen other teams win...who maybe didn't have the best statistics...but they had the "team" connection. (Steelers...when they pulled off the Super Bowl win...they really wanted to win for Jerome Bettis' final game...and they found that extra whatever they needed and did it. The Marlins (???!!!???) when they won the World Series...they definitely weren't the BEST team that year...but they were a team. I think Tebow is kind of a unique person...he motivates people to do their best...the players want to win for themselves, for him, for the team...all good teams have talent , of course, and great coaches...but I believe that it takes a leader like that to give a team a little edge... So we'll see what happens today.
And...what the heck...if they lose...the sun is going to come up again tomorrow...and MY life certainly isn't going to change...I just won't get to walk around with a smirk on my if I had anything to do with the win. wearing my shirt! and since Brenna graduated from the University of Alabama...who ever wins will be Okay...cause we root for both teams....but it would be more fun if my team pulls it off!

On another note altogether....we're off to Orlando...for a visit with Martha and Tony...who are in town for a conference (Martha). We'll celebrate our birthdays a little early...and enjoy a couple of days together in Orlando.

1 comment:

  1. I guess it is about time I bought you an Elephant Ornament for that tree isn't it ;)
