Friday, October 9, 2009

A Visit with Martha & Tony

It's kind of late and I'm tired...but I decided to go ahead with this post. I do have to get up and work tomorrow....our new schedule/hours are in effect and it will be interesting. The bad thing is that I will be at the circulation desk for the day...the good thing is the first hour(9-10) and last hour(2-3) I'm scheduled are
actually hours that we are that's good. for me. One hour to get organized Before we open and one after we close to finish things up after the patrons are gone. That will be rushing people out so we can leave on time.
We did get an invitation to dinner and the big LSU - UF game. Our friend Chuck is an LSU fan...but now has a son at he can't lose! I am supposed to make a favorite activity...but I am too tired to start whatever I bring will still be warm when I make it after I get home from work. (The butter is already on the counter getting soft. )
Earlier today we got home from 3 nights at Amelia Island with Martha & Tony, Andy & Cathy (Tony's sister and brother-in-law)(or as we call them....our in-law-in in-laws.
*I would have to say out of all of my in-laws...Tony's family is most like ours. He comes from an Irish-Catholic family with 7 children. I always felt completely at home with his parents and brothers and sisters. We have taken many trips with different brothers and sisters and their have my children. Brenna traveled to Hawaii for a visit to Martha,Tony & Ian's, with Andy & Cathy and their two boys one time...then spent time with the rest of the Smith family on Maui and Oahu. Megan went on a ski trip with the gang one year to Whistler.(My brother Mark was on that trip too.) And John and I and the girls have skied with them here and there. Rob, Jen and Shane have been with the group, so have Paul, David, Brigit and her daughter Destin. When Ian turned 21, he wanted to go to Las Vegas, so....John joined Tony, his brothers Andy & Kiran(I thinK), brother-in-laws Wim, Andy, Tom and Ian's cousin Marcus (also just 21) was, as they called it...the Brother -in -laws trip.*...but I digress....back to Amelia Island
I was happy to be able to get the days off...because as I mentioned a couple of months boss wasn't sure I could have the time off when I first requested it. We enjoyed a nice relaxing stay at a condo on the beach. View from the main room was the beach. We watched the sunrise each morning. Cathy has been taking photography for a while...she took photos of the sun popping out of the clouds each morning. I am more likely to catch a sunset versus the sunrise most of the time...but until the time changes back on November 1st...I AM actually up before the sun. And of course with the Smith family; Tony, Martha (and the rest of the brothers and sisters) don't spend a whole lot of time sitting around! Martha ran each did Tony. Then the guys golfed 36 holes Wed, and Thurs. Cathy and I opted for a walk rather than a run. We walked ALL over the resort area...for at least an hour. In the afternoon we walked around the shops on Wed.Then on Thursday...Cathy took a tennis lesson...Martha and I took a golf lesson. It was a "Group" lesson...but the place was pretty Martha and I were the "Group". Got some good tips. As I told the guy...I took a class 31 years ago...haha (Martha suggested I might want to leave that tidbit of info out...(31 years ago!) and another lesson about five years ago...and I probably have played about once every three years. I am okay in a "Best Ball" tournament..because sometimes I hit the shot just right. I did pretty well all things considered.borrowed shoes, socks and clubs.... and the guy told me that if I played more than once every three years I might actually be pretty good at it. :D
Martha did pretty well too...not having the advantage of taken a class....even if it was a looooooooong time ago.When we signed up we told the guy we were "beginners" so I think he was pleasantly surprised to get to people who picked things up quickly and weren't totally uncoordinated, etc.
The first day when Martha, Cathy and I were eating lunch down at the Cafe...who should we happen to see...but John. Tony and Andy...finishing up on the hole right in front?behind? the building.(see photo above)
Thursday after our lessons...Martha, Cathy & I headed to Fernandina Beach for lunch and shopping. I liked the all the oak trees and the beach reminds me of Indialantic/Melbourne Beach area...especially similar to Floridana Beach. Not too built up...mostly homes and some condos on the oceanfront...not too many strip malls etc. Nice low-key feel to the town.Many homes reminded me of Winter Park, Maitland area...and looked a little more like the "north" than Indialantic does.Downtown reminded me of downtown Melbourne with it's tree lined streets and little shops and the old historic buildings.Like Meg O"Malley's several shops had the old tin ceilings.However.... most of the shops were not too seemed like they were all selling the same things...and we kept commenting..."How do they stay in business? in this economy." There were several groups of women (a few men) walking around and they all sort of had the same look to them...which got me wondering if we looked like them as well? (younger versions maybe). Interesting.......
One gentleman volunteered to take our picture after he saw Cathy taking a picture of Martha and I. We had lunch down by the water...and I decided to get into the whole feel of the place and ordered Shrimp and Grits with a red pepper gravy. It was tasty...not too hot for me...which I was happy about...since I got a little nervous after I ordered it! We had great weather during the trip...nice blue skies...but a tad on the WARM side. after one week of cooler temperatures had us all thinking Fall had arrived! Martha and Tony were following Andy & Cathy down to Gainesville for a couple of days...then they go to Orlando for Martha's meetings and tour of Florida Hospital (Children's Hospital). Wednesday they will make their way to the beach again and spend a couple of days visiting David & Brigit, Mark, Paul & John & I here....before they head home to Honolulu. It was a nice visit and I am looking forward to next wed/Thursday. Now...if I don't go to bed...I will be yawning all day at work!

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