Thursday, October 15, 2009

The visit continues

Martha and Tony are winding down their trip to the mainland.After our visit in Amelia Island....they headed to Gainesville with Andy & Cathy for a couple of days. From there they went to Orlando for a couple of days of meetings for Martha...visits with old friends for Tony.Yesterday they were in Indialantic. I had to work until Martha relaxed while Tony, John and Mark played a round of golf. Mark had planned to make dinner for all of us back at the house. While he was finishing up the final preparations for his prime rib, potato pie and Caesar salad....Martha and I headed up for the Wednesday night jazz at the Crowne Plaza. We knew David would be there...but also because the Dan Wilborn (SP?) trio was playing...and they are pretty good. It was a nice finally cooled off a bit and there was a nice breeze from the ocean. We sat and enjoyed a cool drink and the music.As the sun set in the western sky...the clouds over the ocean lit up...had to snap a picture of the one unique cloud. David and Paul we enjoyed visiting with them and getting our picture taken. We promised Mark we would be back in time for the dinner he was preparing....and we got there in good time. Mark was insistent on cooking this dinner for Martha and it was nice to go enjoy it with Mark, Lynn, Tony, John, Paul and Martha. David joined us after dinner. We had some laughs and it felt
nice to be sitting around the old dinner table with almost everyone.
Paul looked at Mark at one point and said..."Well finally got some people over to sit around the table." Everything was very tasty too. :)
Today the guys went off-shore fishing. I took the day off, so Martha and I ventured up to Cocoa Village for lunch at Cafe Margaux and poked around in a few shops up there. There are a lot of antique shops and consignment we decided to see if there were any potential costume items for the two parties Martha and Tony have to attend. They are going to be pirates at one (have those costumes) and have to dress a a famous Hollywood couple for the other. They aren't sure who they will be yet...Liz Taylor & Michael Jackson (can't you just imagine Tony as Michael?hahha) Sonny & Cher?, or Paul suggested Cybil Sheppard (since people comment that Martha looks like her) & Bruce Willis. We saw some awful stuff...haha...some actually for sale and not as cheap as you might expect....certainly didn't look like anything recently seen in least not where I shop....Now we are just waiting to see if we're
having fresh fish for dinner...........

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