Thursday, September 17, 2009


Okay...we just found out a couple of hours ago that we did get tickets to the Florida-Tennessee game! The tickets are in big demand these we were happy our friend Mike was able to find two through a friend. We had made a few calls...asked around...and John who likes to "have a plan" was getting nervous when we still didn't know what we were doing at 7:30 pm. We had kind of figured we would be watching the game with our friends Reid & Amy (which would have been fun in it's own way)....and then we got the call. Not only did we get the tickets...but they offered to drive us up and back as well.! (even I probably would've gotten voted to drive back!) Now I can use the excuse that I am not familiar with the truck...etc. etc....and honestly as most of you that read this blog know...I am not fond all that of driving. I'll ride anytime! Anyway...we have been back to Gainesville on occasion...and we've been to several pro and some college games since I was at UF...but believe it or not...we have make that I,never been back for a football game. This is going to be fun...I will definitely have the camera! Going to a game in Tuscaloosa was fun...those are some serious football fans up there...but we have our share too. and I will just have to tune out that "Rocky Top" chant...haha..and chomp least that's what we hope! Our John's brother -in-law Ken has season tickets up at UT...and it's always fun to brag if when we win! I am excited!

1 comment:

  1. If we were in Alabama you would hear the whole town singing F--You Rocky top Go to Hell Tennessee. GO Gators kick the Vols! Have fun mommy.
