Friday, September 25, 2009

Losing's not so bad

We went to a fundraiser the other night for ( Space Coast Early Intervention Center. Our friend Mike, the one who got us the tickets for the Gator game...and his wife Mary usually buy a block of tickets and then he sells them to friends/family. In addition to some great food from local restaurants (Chart House, Tonic,Meg O'Malleys,Scott's On Fifth to name a few) there was an open bar and coffee/tea cart. Had some tasty tuna appetizers, crab bisque, delicious chocolates, and the surprise of the night , for me, Raspberry Ale. I decided to try it...never would have ordered it in a bar...but it was so good! It was really cold and delicious. It was in a little sample size no chance of overdoing it! haha I did have a second...wondering if a normal size serving would result in a headache? I may have to try it some was worth the risk haha The big draw was the Reverse Raffle....the Grand Prize was $10,000. Now if you know anything about John and Mike and the rest of the crew at our know there is no such thing as one simple chance at winning...haha. They had a side bet going...put in $10.00 and if your ticket was the first one got the pot. also...five couples pitched in an extra $25.00 each and would split the winnings if picked. When the official drawing started...we had $170.00 in the kitty. The hosts started calling out numbers and after the first 10...they called our number 160! I cheered...haha...because even though we lost...we won! Several other people at our table won various certificates, a night at the Marriott, etc. Troy and Diane were the last out...their number was among the last 15 numbers on the board...but alas...they were out. So the big winners at our table were John and I, the losers!

On a completely unrelated note...I woke up a little later than usual this morning, since I didn't have to work. As I went to let the dogs out...I saw the trail of a rocket that had just gone off. Missed it...but got out just in time to hear the rumble! Cool! It's great living on the Space Coast!

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