Sunday, September 20, 2009

Game Day (Part 2)

It was a long day...we left Melbourne at 7:00am and got home at 12:00 midnight....but as I mentioned...I didn't have to drive...all I did was get up too early at 5:30 am to be ready by 6:30 am. We had a smooth trip up...with a few stops along the way. Picked up the tickets for John and I at Mike's friend's house in Ocala and then made our way to Gainesville. We had a great parking spot right near the Post Office and the Catholic Church.(Pictures 1,2,3) This was great for several reasons 1.Clean bathrooms (not Port-o-lets) next door at the church
2. 1 block off University
3. Ideal place to watch the growing crowd making it's way towards the stadium
4. short walk to the stadium....with time to take a trip down memory lane abbreviated by the fact that John was convinced I didn't know where I was going and also because he was eager to get into the stadium to see pre-game activities
Turns out I DID know where I was going and we not only bypassed most of the crowd...but I got to feel like I was 19-20 again and on my way to classes at the old Florida Gymnasium building. Of course...with John...this meant time to snap a quick photo ("one is enough") before we headed in. Once we were in...we walked around taking it all in. Had one of the staff take a photo(picture 6)...and he loved telling everyone and anyone that it was my first game in Gainesville in over 30 years. He was excited that I was there, which was nice.We walked around, made our way up to our seats...that were complete with a cushion (nice!) but minimal leg room. If you are tall or have long just have to deal I guess!We had a great view of the end zone(picture 9 shows our view of the field) and nice people around that was great too. We did have a kid on the lap of the man behind us...which meant knees in the back for John during the first half...mine the second. :) It wasn't TOO bad...I just tried not to think about it too much... and just watch the game. Getting up to go to the bathroom was a I managed to wait until half time and made it down and back before the start of the 3rd quarter. against all odds hahaha We were very fortunate to be in the SHADE the whole game.....probably the best thing about
the seats! It was hot...and our friend Caitlin told us after the game that she was miserable on the other side of the field...baking in the late summer afternoon sun!
The Gators were not in top form...but they looked good. Tennessee looked good as well....and gave them a game. I personally didn't believe (like many folks did) that it was going to be a blowout....and I would have to say we played better than the score suggests. We had one costly penalty for excessive celebration..... and if the Vols had been able to capitalize on that...we could have been in big trouble. There were a few questionable calls......definitely no "home cookin" going on! haha All in all it was fun. The people who had the tickets we used...told us they would be happy to let us have them any game they weren't using we may be going back....but as our friend Mike said....."I.m glad they aren't playing at home for 3 weeks!".....of course that was last Oct. 17th we'll all be ready to roll again.....Oh and one last thing...the Tennessee band was way on the other side of the I really didn't have to listen to "Rocky Top" at all! hahaha As on the pictures to get the BIG picture...and notice all the BLUE shirts....*Urban Meyer asked the Gator fans to wear we wouldn't look like the Volunteer fans. I think people got the message!


  1. Aw it looks like yall had such a good time! I need to get back to Alabama

  2. Anne, I have no comment on the Gators! :) But I wanted to tell you thanks for renewing our subscription to Family Fun magazine... it's one of my favorites, is full of wonderful craft ideas... and recipes!! Thank you!!!!!
