Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Ahhhhh Fall!

It's a beautiful day and here's Kiena enjoying the fresh fall air!
We finally got our first touch of fall! A cold front made it through and we had temperatures in the high 60's! Woo Hoo!
I'm slowly putting out my decorations....including this wreath I bought many years ago...and forgot I even had it. Well, let me clarify, I to tend to buy things, put them away and forget I even have them...I KNEW I had this wreath somewhere, but couldn't seem to locate it.Periodically I'd look around for it and finally I began to think it was a casualty of the hurricanes in 2004...when we had to clean everything out and store it while we rebuilt the house. I had an idea where I thought this wreath was...but could never seem to find it. So ....imagine my surprise this past summer when we were looking for something else out in the garage (no attic) and while I was shifting boxes around I spotted the wreath-sized box that did indeed hold my Halloween wreath. What fun! so's out on the front screen door for what it's worth. may have to round up a cute purple or green polka dot bow Next...I'll start getting out my cute little pumpkins..................

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