Wednesday, September 2, 2009

4 inches of rain

water to the line on the tile

When I got up this morning in almost seemed like we had an "infinity edge pool" not because we have some cool new pool design...but because it rained all evening and into the night...and the pool was overflowing! (Melbourne Airport registered 4+ inches.) We have had a rainstorm every night for the last three nights and not just a little sprinkle! The kind of storm that makes you decide to turn on the Weather Channel and see what exactly the storm looks like/is doing. You know the type.....Big red blob causing lots of thunder and lightning along with the rain. Haze...doesn't care...but poor Kiena either hides under the desk, in the closet or parks herself right next to the bed until it's over. Well the grass is GREEN and the plants are happy...and the the crabgrass is still driving me crazy! Today was sunny long enough for my bike ride and later when I mowed the grass...but it's raining again now. At least it's not a hurricane!

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