Sunday, August 9, 2009

Celebrate Good Times......Come ON!

Can't you just hear that song playing in your head? we heard it last night at our neighbor's wedding.

It was a perfect afternoon for a wedding..................................................................................................

Matt from across the street got married to a young lady...Xiao yan..... he met while teaching in China.

They have been in town for about a month now...introducing her to his family and just relaxing at home with Ra and family. This past week all the Aunts and Uncles and cousins started arriving. Ra's from a typical Irish Catholic family......and I think most of them made it down for the wedding festivities. I felt right at home amongst the several Margarets, Matthews, Johns, Bridget, Darby, Brennan, etc. None of Xiao yan's relatives were able to make it was all the grooms side of the family and friends of course. As a matter of fact Matt joked at one point that he was always young Matt(hew Joseph) to his Uncle's Matthew Paul...but now one of the cousins has a young son named he figures now it'll be Baby Matthew, Middle-aged Matthew, and Old Matthew. The two of them will be here for about another week and then head out west...before going" home" to China. and a ceremony and celebration with her family and friends

As you can see there were fans and little take out boxes of treats for the guests....but the groom and his brothers and nephew looked a little more Irish! The ceremony was outside in the Gazebo next to the beach. It was warm...but I managed to get a seat in the shade. And as you can was rather that helped. just not the hair!

Matt's sister and his nieces

Ra and Xiao yan

Matt-Ra-Xiao yan

Tossing the bouquet....they had all the women get up...not just the single girls

We had fun visiting with everyone and dancing. They played a few songs for the little kids to dance to...then the older folks got going. The DJ was pretty good...not too annoying like some can be...and he played a nice mix of danceable music. It was nice to be at a party and dancing..since yesterday would have been my mom's 84th birthday...and many of the songs reminded me of other celebrations with my own what might have been a sad day...ended up being a fun celebration...that made me miss Jenifer, Mom and Dad.....but also remember good times I had with them.

I guess I should have straightened out my necklace! haha

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