Thursday, July 2, 2009

Organized chaos

It is a rainy afternoon and there's no end in I guess I will have to keep myself busy inside....I suppose I could read one of the 3 books I currently have checked out....or.... I could read and write blogs! hahaha

Following are some pictures from our office at work........and I should tell you I love my job....I really do....but I don't love the organized chaos! Technically my boss had the place all to herself...for the first 3 if I remember correctly years that we were open...then I came along and I was hired to help in the Youth Services area; as a result....I don't really have my own desk....or space. My boss has everything in order sort of. She is an artist and a creative type in case you couldn't figure that outand NOTHING gets thrown away around that office.....recycle, recycle, recycle. (I knew a science teacher like that at another place I worked)

Somewhere on this counter there is a paper cutter, and die cut machine...drawers are all full of various staplers, stickers, hole punchers, etc...problem is there are also projects in various stages of completion, new books waiting for stickers, and other odds and ends.* Notice all the stuff on the counters and the floor, Fan in case we get too hot!

Nice tidy compartments for sequins, beads, googly eyes, pom poms and stuff like that. Nice neat scissor rack on the counter too(on the right side)
No counter space available you can see...there's files and assorted craft materials, bags, etc........

All along the top of the cabinets are boxes full of decorations and craft pieces and parts and you notice the shamrocks hanging?....there are also snowflakes and other things scattered around hanging from the ceiling.

This wall has more big boxes ( to the left ,not in view) holding construction paper scraps for reuse and under those boxes are reams of paper. Then comes all of these boxes....holding everything from tape to crayons and colored pencils, glue sticks and things that don't fit in the little containers. Then we have the old shoe boxes that have die cut pieces ready for future crafts. And some videocassettes that we occasionally use for Storytime programs.To the right of all this is another shelf with books, paper, etc on it...... THEN the walk in closet...I didn't get a picture of that! (paints, balls, fabric.....I could go on)

This "work" great when you can get to it! This is after D cleaned up!

same table....different angle

Needless to's hard to think in there sometimes! I am not the world's neatest person.....but when I finish one thing...I put everything away and move on the the next. Even when I'm baking or cooking...I have to clear the counters before I can even start on anything.

D will start something and then get a great idea...and BAM we're on to the next thing.......I just grin and bear it and think about all the things I like about my job.........the kids, the's fun.....I love the people most of them anyway and it takes a lot to get my boss worked up! 30 extra kids show up....No problem!...just cut out some more parts! But's hard to focus!

And here's the best part.....these little baskets are in our desk for blue strips the other for purple
(they go in books when we are sending them out to other branch libraries). If I put a purple strip in the blue basket by out!
THAT drives her crazy! Go figure! can't see it...but there's a little note in the blue basket......saying blue strips only. HAHA

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