Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Just call me Imelda

Shoes......lots of shoes...............................but I'm nowhere near the category of Imelda Marcos .

I really do wear all of these!

These aren't too bad because they have wedge soles....a little easier on the foot.

some favorites.....but the red ones have NO support and cute only goes so far! (brown ones actually have a small heel)

Now I'll be the first to admit...I have more than my fair share of shoes....but I don't think I have that many more than a lot of people I know. I work with a couple of ladies who LOVE shoes and have lots of colors and styles...probably way more expensive than the ones I buy too! Others however do kind of look at me when I show up with the green shoes that match my sweater set perfectly...but if they only knew. The green shoes almost ALWAYS wind up on the clearance rack/catalog...because who REALLY needs green shoes! So I try them on early.....then just keep watching and waiting until they are just about begging you to buy the darn things.

*some bargains...almost all of these were on sale

John meanwhile keeps calling me Imelda Marcos and tells me I really don't need to ever buy another pair of shoes ever again In all fairness he did have to pack them all up two different times...once when we moved and he couldn't believe I could have that many and the second time when the hurricanes compromised the roof and water was coming in......and since there was time I kept adding to my list of things that I might need him and our friend Mike R. to retrieve from the closet before they got ruined.(we evacuated...he did not) We were talking about that one time and Mike told me he agreed with John....he thought I had way too many shoes....... adding that he knew this for a fact,,,because he had helped move them all. I just changed the subject! hahaha

*note the pink sale labels!

*red pen and big 17...as in $

I have the standards...for work , dress up etc....and lots of sandals and flip flops. One pair of boots for winter all 2 weeks of it here in FL . John doesn't understand why you could possibly need more than one pair of say...black shoes...one should do it. Well....if I HAD to make one pair work I could...but since I don't HAVE to...if I just happen to run across another cute pair.....usually on the sale or clearance rack...well....that's another story. and sometimes....since I do have options...certain styles go better with certain dresses/skirts/pants. I have paid full price for some of these shoes....but in most cases, unless I NEED a pair for a certain occasion....I just buy them as I go along. These days my heel has been bothering me....Plantar Fasciitis....and in desperation recently after yet another day of SORE and TIRED feet....I went in a specialty shoe store and paid full price for a pair that I knew would match just about anything and could be dressed up or down as needed. I didn't even LOOK at prices while I tried shoes on...because I didn't want to leave without a pair of shoes...so I found a pair and tried to smile as I paid the price. Hey when you figure how often you are going to be wearing them...the cost isn't that unreasonable...but I'm glad I don't do that everyday! From that store I went next door to Beall's for some new Teva sandals....for walking the dog and around the house, etc......because they gave me releif the last time my heel bothered me. So...with any luck I'll be back to wearing all those cute little sandals with no arch support...or the little heels again soon. Vanity only goes so far... and these days I need COMFORT! (Born, Clark's, Nuture, Naot...etc). Happy trails! hahaa

1 comment:

  1. And we wonder why I pack a WHOLE suitcase of shoes when I go on vacation....I loved this post!
