Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Shuttle Fly By

Click on these photos for a better look!

Just rode the bike down to the beach to watch the Shuttle being flown back to the Cape. How cool! If they are forced to land the Shuttle at Edwards Air Force Base in CA...they have to fly the Shuttle back to FL on the back of a NASA jet (a very large NASA jet!). They usually fly up the coast so that everyone can watch them go by. It was exciting! I always seem to miss it...but this evening...I got a great view as it came in from the west just a bit north of Indialantic and turned out over the ocean and headed North to the Cape (about 40 miles from here). It's great to live on the "Space Coast"!

1 comment:

  1. Cool! Wish I was there to see it! I'm still mad about missing the night launch!
