Saturday, June 20, 2009

My what big feet you have my dear....

John' walking shoes

Anne's walking shoes

My family is convinced that I'm losing it....and sometimes I believe it too. And here is a prime example.....The other day I was getting ready for my daily walk/bike ride. These days I prefer the bike...because my heel is bothering me (plantar fasciiatis)plus I hate the sneaker know white foot to ankle then tan leg, but occasionally I will take a walk just to mix things up. Well....Monday I decided I was going to take a walk(it had been about a week or so) and went to find my shoes.

I keep them out by the washing machine. I didn't really think obviously I just grabbed a the pair of sneakers by the washer. I got my socks, put them on and thought they felt a little different...but assumed my fairly new shoes were finally broken in. After I got the shoes on I was walking around making sure everything was in order before I left, got my visor, sunglasses, etc and as I walked past the hall mirror...I thought to myself..."Geez,I didn't realize these shoes made my my feet look so big". I started to walk away, glanced again and realized I had John's shoes on! His feet are small for a guy...but you think I would have figured it out! They kind of look alike don't you think?? Humor me here! Look at the toes..... Haha ! At least I noticed this before I set out for my 3 mile walk!.... What can I say...........

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