Thursday, June 11, 2009

My husband the 53 year old kid

I love my husband...but some days.........

John was leaving for a fishing trip to the Bahamas today...and I'm beginning to think part of the reason that he likes to fish is that it gives him a legitimate reason to get up in the wee hours of the morning.( I on the other hand usually don't go to bed until about 4am is not the best time for me!) John always likes to get going early when it comes time for a trip...we are usually on one of the first flights out from the airport. This does have it's can usually avoid delays, you get to your destination earlier in the day, etc, etc...but it can make for some cranky traveling companionslike ME for instance! we've gotten used to each other after 30 some years...but this morning he is just like a little kid. It's probably a good thing he was leaving super early...otherwise he would have been pacing the floor all morning just waiting to get going! The first time I woke up was at about 4:15am...when he got up and took a shower. Being used to the early morning noises...I can usually get back to sleep...which I did...until the alarm went off at 4:45am. I tried to stay in the "sleep" mode...but finally had to roll over and find and hit the OFF button. Next I felt I ought to get up and make sure by some odd turn of events...John hadn't dozed off out on the couch ....or one of the other sign of him anywhere.....I discovered the car was figured he went to find coffee at wherever they serve coffee at 5am! (this is Indialantic after Dunkin Donuts or anything...just the 7/11) . I went back to bed and fell asleep until he came home from having his coffee and said good-bye...since it was now finally time for him to go! By this time I was having trouble getting back to I tried my usual tricks to relax and clear my mind....and it worked...sort of. I finally got up about 5:30am and decided take a nice warm bath where I could relax sleep until MY alarm went off and I had to get myself ready for work.

All I know is I sure hope there is some fresh tuna on that boat when it comes back on Sun/Mon.! Haha!

Speaking of sleep...I have to laugh to myself,,,when I think about all the Moms(mostly) who come to the Library for a book that will help them get their child to sleep through the night. I always point them in the right direction with a smile as I think to myself... "Good Luck!My kids are 21 & 24 and I'm still trying to figure that out!" As seemed like every time I thought I had them figured out.on a schedule.....someone would get a new tooth . get sick or something and throw things out of whack! This would require a parentMom getting up to rock the baby back to sleep.(actually...I really didn't mind these late night/early morning times with my kids...what could be cozier...little baby just looking up at you and so content!)(that is...if they were content...not sick, getting a tooth, etc, etc)Then when they got older one would have trouble getting to sleep...which would require mean that dear old Mom would get a book and lay on the floor with her pillow and read doze off while desperately trying to get said child relaxed and to sleep. The I would wake up on the floor...with a "crick" in my neck, arm or whatever and manage to get myself into my own comfortable bed without waking anyone myself included up.( You know what I mean...try to stay in that sleepy state...not "really" awake)

When my kids got was hard to get them to go to bed...they turned into "vampires" (that's what I used to tell them) they came alive after dark. But having always been more of a night person myself...I could relate...and as long as they got up and got going when they needed to...we could compromise. I think of my poor mother with 8 of us and I figure she never got a full nights sleep for about 30 years! we were either waking up at all hours, coming home at all hours, doing homework....________ fill in the blank...and some were night owls...some were wonder there was ALWAYS coffee around; and when she did manage to doze off on the couch something I do regularly when I'm" watching" TV she had her share of "cricks" in her neck! Ah! the joys of parenthood!....which finally brings me back to the subject of my husband...the 53 year old kid who I still haven't figured out how to get to sleep through the night! Haha!

On a totally unrelated note....Brenna and I both enjoyed a segment on NPR this evening on "The Least Appropriate Wedding Songs Ever" personal favorite...being "Send In The Clowns" used for the's a good thing the Burton Family(Jenifer in particular)(can't you just imagine!) wasn't there....we would have disrupted the whole ceremony because we would have been laughing so hard ...if you know me you have seen what happens when I get going! hahaha Here's the link....

*I was listening to the segment thinking about people who would enjoy it...when the phone rang and it was Brenna calling to ask me if I was listening....what can I say..."great minds think alike!"

1 comment:

  1. Aw! what a nice post momma. Im glad Hazel B is there to keep you company!
