Sunday, June 14, 2009

David at the Wells Street Art Festival

My brother David is up in Chicago this weekend at the Wells Street Art Festival. Paul went along to help him cart everything around, set-up, etc. From what they told me (and from what I saw on the Weather Channel) yesterday was miserable! until about mid-afternoon. This particular show requires you to set up the same day as the they had to get there early to park, unload, etc. It's in an old area of way streets and a "nightmare" according to Paul...who hauled everything about 5 blocks to the booth location. The temperature was in the 60's...and there was water everywhere...kind of a mess! and cold if your used to Florida weather...shoot 60's mean winter down here! However, the sun finally came out and it was a pleasant evening and lots of people came. Not much happened yesterday...but they were looking forward to a good day today because it was a beautiful morning (around 9:30am when I called).
About 68 and sunny....kind of perfect for an Art Show! David didn't really know what to's the first time he's been in this show.....but I just got a call from Paul and David got 1st Place on his big collage. "Burton's Reef"( the one he has priced 1,000,000 or Best Offer) haha
When he first put this collage together he was very excited about it...and it always gets a lot of attention...but this is the first Award! He is very happy....finally someone gets it! and if you could see me sitting here with a big grin on my might think I won something too!.....I am really happy for him! Check out some of his art work here It's a little different...not what you'd find on most people's living room walls....but it's fun! and he has a great time creating that's what it's all about.

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