Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The new fish is already hanging on the wall. John loves it. An it fit in nicely. And it's appropriate because the next day the guys went out and caught thier limit of dolphin (mahi).

And after cleaning them for 5 hours on Sunday.....there was only one thing left to do and that was have a party. All the guys invited a few people and we cooked up some fish. It turned out to be a lovvely evening and we had lots of great food...even though every thing was spur of the moment. There were about 18-20 people in all...and we had the pool, hot tub, music and food for all to enjoy. It was a lot of fun.

Ron and Anthony with the "catch"

This is a photo of the Melbourne Beach Library....where I work. Check out the sign...John's program he did for me was posted on it. John agreed to do a slide show for me...in an attempt to attract some younger people to the Library. We have lots of programs for young kids....and plenty that appeal to older (retired) folks...but we just don't get many young people for programs......so I came up with the idea of a surf themed program. John agreed got talked into showing his old Costa Rica slides from the 70's. I got to make the playlist...for the background music.....and that was great fun. I think everyone liked the slides and the music. We had about 30 people....and an interesting mix...some I had never seen before...and some that didn't look like surfers at all. (One group of three looked like they just came from the Yacht Club....they surprised me the most. )They really enjoyed the show. Chatted with some of the other people, looked at the maps and shared some stories. Had some old friends there as well,some guys John just recently traveled with, (and their wives) and a few (5) young adults. One of them saw the projector and looked at John and said..."Oh , it really is a slide show?" We laughed...also laughed when John asked the group when they last saw a slide show...my brother David replied"In the 70's!" Ha ha but it was a lot of fun. My boss was thrilled with the turn out...free program and people came! John was his usual organized and early self...and Cindy was quite impressed. So all in all it was a great night and the best thing is I got paid to sit and enjoy the show with a nice group of people! A lot of people told us they might come...and of course not everyone could make it...which is understandable...but I will say I really appreciate the ones who did make it....Gayle T., David, Courtney and Brittney, and Richard (briefly). I know John appreciated it too.

1 comment:

  1. aw cool! I am so glad people came I am proud of ya'll wish I could have been there! Hope you kisses Hazel b on the nose 3 times for his b-day today.
    Love ya,
