Saturday, May 2, 2009

Melbourne Beach Founder's Day - May 2, 2009

Starting area of walk/run down by the pier
Looking out at the river
Start - Finish area

Looking down the pier. We've watched many a sunset here over the years!


Area near Town Hall
Melbourne Beach Town Hall - Fire Station - etc

I started today a little earlier than usual....I may be up at 7:00am most days...but I'm not usually out! But today they had a 2 mile Walk/Run as part of the Founder's Day Celebration that was also a fundraiser for Mel High Cross I decided it was worth the extra effort to get going early. I walked...and it was a beautiful morning. The course started at the Melbourne Beach Pier and went about 1/2 mile along the river front before we turned off into the neighborhoods of Melbourne Beach and then back on to Ocean Avenue. I walked two miles in 29.06 minutes. (Not too bad...just jogging for me.) After the initial start...the runners all broke away from the pack...leaving us walkers behind. There were a few women jogging/walking near me...but when they just walked.... I passed them. After about the 3/4 mile mark...I pretty much had open road ahead of me.. except for one walker (she ran a little at first then started walking .... so she passed me by plus she was she had longer legs....haha,,So I got my walk in for the day and now I have the rest of the day to go hang out down at the craft show/art show and chat with everybody. It's going to be HOT(90!) today...but it's I'll take the heat. David has a booth set up so I can hang out under his tent. I have a couple of other friends in the show...MaryAnne has Driftwood/Shell Art and Chris will be selling her jewelry. I took a few photos before and after the race....I'm sure some of the more serious competitors (there were a few...I get a kick out of them...strutting around) wondered why I came with my little shoulder bag, camera, I-pod, visor and sunglasses. Ha...ha! (who is that?! looks like a tourist!...actually I'm sure no one even paid attention...) It's all in fun!

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