Sunday, April 5, 2009

Quite a Catch

John says yesterday was his best day ever fishing. Upon further review...... most of the tuna were actually in the 50lb range (you know's always bigger when you tell the story)

But they were all pretty big and the was at least one 60lbs. Mark, Ron and John spent 5 hours cleaning them all and then everyone went homw with a LARGE cooler full of tuna steaks, (When you sear a filet and dip it in soy sauce it really does taste like filet mignon!).Here are a couple of photos.

On the next post I will tell you about the Southern Living dinner I went to last night. We meet once a month and each person chooses a recipe from the current magazine. More later...right now we have to go torment Al at LongDoggers (he and my brother Mark have an on-going competition over who is the best fisherman). LongDoggers is a restaurant that is kind of the the local bar in Cheers (TV show) (all the always know someone there...if not mostly everyone)and if we are lucky we will get the cooks to sear up some fresh tuna for us! (we always make sure all the cooks,waitresses get some it's not hard to convince them!)

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