Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Tomorrow my brother Mark is turning 50! Mark is kind of a quiet guy...he keeps to no big party plans for him. (unless he's having one and I'm not invited!) haha Anyway, we had to do we are going to play a little joke on him. Back in Jr high when the school pictures came out several girls were asking my brothers for their pictures. I think it was David who came up with the idea to sell the pictures to the girls. If they wanted one, they'd have to give him a quarter. (might as well make a little money) Anyway he and Mark both sold their pictures. (no packets full of pictures of thoses two lying around gathering dust) (haha) I was telling Al & Misty this story a while back and Al told me to bring in one of Mark's pictures. He was going to tell Mark he had bought it on E-Bay ,for a quarter, from some girl that went to Hoover Jr. High. Well we never did that...but we all decided Mark's 50th birthday was a perfect time to bring out copies of his 7th? or 8th/ grade photo (from my photo album) along with a current photo , put one of each on the tables at LongDoggers with a caption that says 25c (Jr high side) or Free! (current photo). We'll see how long it takes Mark to realize his photos are on display. Al is going toput Happy Birthday up on the marquee too.( ME, I went for the big party on my 50th.........)
Anyway...other birthdays this week , (or close enough)are my friend's son, Eric, my brother-in-law Rob (6?),other brother-in-law Tony (5?), Kiena (the dog) (9), John's goddaughter Jordan.
Too bad none of them are having a party! (We need to dance!)
Like Dave Matthews says in one verse of his song
Celebrate we will
because life is short but sweet for certain
We're climbing two by two
to be sure these days continue
These things we cannot change

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