Sunday, April 12, 2009

Birthday fun

I told you last Wednesday about the plan we had to get my brother Mark on his 50th...but we didn't know exactly how it would all work out. Turns out Mark decided at the last minute to go fishing with John, Reid, Chandler and Ron on his birthday. When you go that far is a long day, so he wasn't likely to make it to LongDoggers to see the pictures. I knew he'd get in there sooner or later...and he did. Yesterday he was greeted by this sign....................... (I'm not sure if he noticed it before he got in and saw the photos on the tables.) Of course Al was there and he was making sure everyone knew what was going on. Mark was sitting in his usual spot at the counter with a photo in front of him and a big grin on his face.(from what I heard). When Mark came over later to our house for (another) a cookout(more tuna and mahi)...I asked about the photos...whether or not he had seen them. He smiled...looked at me and said"Actually, they were all sold out by the time I got there". Ha ha. It was nice to know he had enjoyed the fun. Little did he know....Ron was waiting for him to pie him in the face. (Ron makes sure everyone gets the pie treatment.....but.....he knows better than to get me!) Well we were all enjoying sushi that Chuck was making and all the other salads and dishes people had brought over. Reid and his family were over we sang Happy Birthday to Jordan, and Mark. Mark was getting ready to leave,while Ron was waiting by the door in the garage. John asked Mark to grab a beer from the fridge...he opened the door and BAM! In spite of the mess and the surprise...Mark was laughing and posed for the photo..... I think he was pleased to think we had made a big deal out of his birthday...because as I mentioned the other day...he's usually pretty low key. I am not sure who had more fun....Ron? or Mark!

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