Friday, April 26, 2013

One has left the nest...

We had two was a bit bigger than the other
 The big one seemed like it was raring to go...started walking farther out on the "branch"...flapping the new wings a little. Little one seemed pretty content to just sit and ventured out a bit...but never too far.
 we lost track of the bigger one...I think it flew off into the side yard by our neighbor's gate...I kept trying to listen for it...because I saw the two big birds going back and forth to the same area. Never did spot it. Meanwhile John was wondering why no one was coming by to feed the little one...I told him he was scaring them off...since he was sitting facing the front window, when he moved...Mama came back with some worms and bugs. every so often she'd come up to the window and try to scare us by flapping her wings.

Here's little one and Mama on the right
Little one stayed out there all day...moved around a bit...but mostly stayed put. Flapped it's wings a bit...but that's about it.
Our boat mechanic told us there are two different nests across the canal from his house. A nest of Blue Herons and some Eagles. That would be fun to watch! (little baby cool would that be???)
My trees have a few fronds that are browning...the flowers are a little unwieldy and the bougainvillea has parts just waiting to be trimmed back...but I don't want to scare the birds... or get pecked!so as soon as little one leaves the nest...I'll go trim up my plants.

Monday, April 22, 2013

It was a surprise!

 This past Saturday Megan was surprised by Brenna, Jeni and some other friends at a Bridal Shower Brunch. The plan, as far as Megan knew, was that Brenna would be in town and then the two of them would be joined by Jeni (her other bridesmaid) and a friend Catherine for a Saturday night bachelorette
  party. What she didn't know is that they were also planning a surprise bridal shower brunch. Because Megan is in DC, Brenna's in Alabama and I am in FL....there didn't really seem like any way to have a shower. But Brenna decided one way or another they were going to make it happen....she sent invitations/info to relatives and friends. Christine Borgelt got in on the plan and offered to have any cards, gifts, whatever....sent to her address.
 We found out that the Postman almost spoiled the surprise...he almost told Megan he had noticed a gift for her sent to the Borgelt's....who live in the next building on the street. Guess he decided not to...which is good...that would have been a first...a  surprise spoiled by the mailman...hahah Christine cooked up a (gluten-free) breakfast casserole (the casserole dish was also a gift from her daughters to Megan)
new personalized stationary from Aunt Sandy
Friends and relatives sent cards and gift and Megan was really surprised and pleased

 Here are the girls getting ready for the night out...they went to a Karaoke Room...called me about 11:30pm singing a song by The Smith's- Brenna told me "We sang this one for you Mommy!" sounded like they were having fun in there! haha ("I would go out to tonight...but I haven't got a stitch to wear")
the theme-Cinderella of course!

the happy group
                    Megan was so pleased to be remembered by everyone...she had a great day.
It topped off a fun week for her. Earlier in the week ,  her Aunt Liz and friends  took her shopping for some lingerie, followed by lunch where all the ladies got to meet Marcus. Now we have less than 3 weeks to go!!!!! I'm getting excited!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

A Long Week

 It's been a long week....the bombing in Boston had us all glued to the TV for updates. A few times I just turned it off when I heard comments like " The police have a suspect, he may be alive or dead"...
Okay...what else would he be? I know they all just wanted to be the first to break the story...but it does get a little ridiculous Even was hard not to "stay tuned".
 Tuesday I spent the entire day in bed with a migraine....which is just frustrating. I have no idea what triggered it...had one last week too..... The only plus if you can call it that was that I had a routine Dr. visit scheduled on Thursday. I decided Tuesday evening to get a different prescription for migraine medication.I don't want to wake up the day of Megan's wedding with a headache and hope it goes away. My (generic) Imitrex doesn't seem to do the trick. I have tried Somig (source will remain anonymous...haha) and it worked the few times I took I asked to switch to that. Now...I knew I would have to pay for it...because my insurance only pays for generic....what I DID NOT know is that my SIX pills were going to cost me $300.00!!!!!!!!!! That is $50.00 a headache....I don't know if it's that good....but I'm willing to pay this I can rest easy and not worry about feeling like crap the day of the wedding if I wake up with a headache.
 We've been watching our birds out front...I don't know why I enjoy it so much...but I do. Love how the mother bird flies back and forth and tries to take a different route each time to throw off the predators. John saw a cat lurking around yesterday...the birds were squawking and dive bombing him. He heard the racket and looked to see what all the noise was about...then spotted the cat low to the ground...trying to sneak in...until it finally had to make a break for it.
the "puppy"
 Thursday night we went over to Chris and Heather's for some sushi. Ron and crew got some tuna on we've had good, fresh tuna the last couple of days. We bought a couple of pounds and made plans to share it with Chris and Heather, Mike and Denise. Chris rolled it up...Heather relaxed...she's still recovering from her broken leg. (really broke it badly in has plates and screws and a couple scary looking scars....but it's healing well. Still has to use one crutch...can't put full weight on it...but she's lucky; she had a great Dr. who was able to put it back together for her.) We all ate and enjoyed the evening.

                     Brittany and M were we all got to hold the baby! J loved it!

trying to get comfortable with E

                                        Good food, good friends...a baby! haha It was great!
And last...but not least....I got a new pair of glasses! First time in my life I've needed prescription glasses...(or I guess I should say...first time in my life I've had). Last week I went in to get my eyes checked...I knew they were getting past the point of the cheap readers...but didn't know for sure how bad they were. I told them "It's been a while since I was here last"...ahem...they informed me I was last there in 2002! Okay...time flies...I was thinking more like 4 or 5...not 11! And I am now the owner of some Progressive lens glasses....testing them out and trying not to give myself a headache in the's going to be an adjustment! Once I figure out where to look and when to shift my line of sight I think I'll be fine.....I've already got the distance part's the middle and reading part that's a challenge so far. will be that I can see well again!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

They've hatched!

She works hard...constantly flying off, gathering food and returning to the nest.
 I've tried to stay clear of the nest...even though my bougainvillea needs trimming...I've decided it can wait. If I stand on the love seat just inside the window I can see the babies reaching up for food...but couldn't get them in the picture. Sometimes Mama sees me and waits till I move here...she had the tiny worm ready to go...but until I backed off...she wouldn't go in to feed them.

                                      Maybe they'll be big enough to see in the next few days.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Lunch at Sebastian Inlet

 It's been kind of quiet around her lately. Finishing up the loose ends for the wedding...and just reviewing what's done to make sure everything is where it needs to be. Today...John did not golf or he slept in and we then  took a walk. We have been wanting to go down and check out this place down at the Inlet...and thought today would be a good day to go check it out. We picked the right time to go...there was no traffic....apparently the snowbirds have all gone home...driving on A1A was a breeze.
 It was warm and kind of humid...but clear skies. The ocean was a pretty blue today. We sat up on the outside deck and watched boats coming in and out of the inlet.

 When we left there we took a little scenic drive...and noticed the storm clouds off to the west and north.
We got home just before the storm hit...well...actually it had already rained at least once at our house...but we missed it...we got home just before the second storm came through and brought some much needed rain.
It was a nice relaxing Sunday afternoon.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Pirate Plunder Marathon 2 miler

John and I participated in the Pirate Plunder marathon 2 Miler tonight. We laughed when we were at The Mansion afterwards for a bite to eat and the young lady asked
"Oh, Did you guys run in the Marathon?"
 "Yes...yes we did."...hahah I told her it was actually only a two mile race...but I don't think she heard me.
We decided to participate after L.J. suggested it a few weeks back. This was the 3rd annual race...but the first time it was hosted by Meg O'Malleys. Meg's was a perfect spot for a Pirate themed race to start and finish. Some of the staff dressed up, the local radio station had their "Pirate Ship" on site and many racers dressed up for the event. The best I could come up with was a black and white striped shirt...haha. As usual...I walked the route...but I walked two miles in 27:12.1 minutes. Not bad. I had the usual walk/runners trying to beat me...but I made up my mind to get past two different groups of them and finally left them behind... with a bout 1/4 mile to go. I had fun watching a family in front of me ,haha the little boy was being urged on by mom and dad...they were ahead me, behind, ahead...(ultimately finished ahead of me) I got to watch the kid. He stopped to examine a piece of trash...which was part of a light from the nearby construction barrier...his mom scolded him...he dropped it. Next stop...a big puddle...haha...he was having fun...till his mom noticed....he almost got into another puddle a little further along...but it was too far off the "path" to be able to get to it un-noticed.. He'd run...stop, walk...etc...looked to be about 4 or 5 years old...he did it all himself...unlike some of the other little kids who got piggy-back rides or had someone carrying them by the end. I believe they said there were 959 people that was a great turn out for a good cause....The MORGAN Project.

They had food and drinks afterwards...but rather than hang around for that...we opted to head down the road to The Mansion for a tasty Roast Beef and Horseradish Cheddar sandwich. It was a good evening. My day started out with a bike ride that came to a sudden end when my chain popped off and I could NOT get it back on. I gave up when I cut my finger trying...blood dripping, greasy black fingers and one frustrated person (me!). I called David (I was riding to his house when I broke down)...he picked me and the bike up and delivered us back home. I parked my bike, adjusted the seat on John's and rode HIS bike instead. I think I just need a tune-up...the chain popped off last week, but that time I got it back on pretty quickly.

In other news...the wedding plans are coming together. The dress is in...ready to go, hair and make-up scheduled, David finished making us a poster for the "Photo Booth" looks great! RSVPs are coming in...and while  there are some disappointments...there are  plenty of yeses to keep us excited....and we are now only 5 weeks away form the big day!!