Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Sunsets and stormy skies

I love a good sunset...we used to ride bikes down to the Melbourne Beach pier many evenings to watch the sunset...we don't do that very often theses days but...................................we do live on Sunset Avenue facing west and so I am lucky to have views like this one.........................................

And when the storms are moving in we see this.....................................

Shortly after this photo...it was pouring rain and the wind (see flag) was whipping.........and according to the local weather gal there were approximately 1600 lightning strikes across the county in one hour! Brevard County is over 70 miles long from the north end to the south end...but 1600 is a lot!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Friday Morning Puppets

Old Mother Hubbard went to the cupboard to get her poor doggy a bone.......................................

Some of our "fans" in the audience

Down in the meadow in the itty bitty pool swam three little fishies and their Momma fishy too! (We had bubbles for this one)
We used the Three Little Fishies" by Sharon,Lois and Bram

Heigh Ho the Dairy Oh...."The Farmer in the Dell!"

(another song sung by Sharon, Lois and Bram from" Mainly Mother Goose")

View from the back

Rushing the stage...to get the bubbles....the puppets had to tell them to go back! haha

Checking out the puppets after the show

What can I say.....It's a tough job, but someone has to do it!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

What a Difference a Day Makes

What a difference a day can make....Tuesday was NOT a good day for me. I'm really not sure what was so bad about it...but at the end of the day I had a headache, my feet were hurting and I just didn't feel good. Work was a little frustrating...I like my job...but I sometimes find myself in the middle of things. I usually work in the Youth services area...but 4 hours a week I'm at the Front desk (Circulation Dept) and sometimes I have to fill in at the Reference Desk(because I used to work Reference and they know I can. I don't mind helping out...but it's frustrating when everyone else is deciding what I can or can't do...without necessarily asking me first! So...Tuesday...bad day... I was glad when it was over. But Wednesday was a whole different story....I filled in for Dianne...did the Lap Time and Toddler Time programs and we had some fun! First group was very small...but TT I had about 20. We sang, read stories, and made some cute little hats for the 4th of July.

When I got home I took a nice bike ride and then I started cooking. I made a favorite marinade for chicken......usually we make shish-ka-bobs...but last night we just had the chicken, It reminded me how much we like this recipe.........


1 1/2/ lbs chicken breast cut into 1 inch cubes

15 oz pineapple chunks-drain and save the juice

* or you can use a small can of pineapple juice like I do

1/4 cup vegetable oil
1/2 cup soy sauce
1 tsp garlic powder

1 TBSP light brown sugar

2 tsp ground ginger

1 TBSP dry mustard

1/4 tsp ground pepper

Mix 1/2 cup pineapple juice with the first seven ingredients. Place in sauce pan, stir and bring to boil. Reduce to simmer. simmer uncovered for 5 minutes. Pour over chicken, cover and refrigerate for at least one hour. Stir occasionally and turn chicken.

If making shish-ka-bobs.....skewer chicken chunks with onion, cherry tomatoes, mushrooms, green peppers and pineapple chunks as desired.

This makes delicious chicken...try it out.

While I was mixing away I was listening to music and dancing around the kitchen...and I just felt good! I also made some Frosted Banana Bars (originally from Darby at on her blog Fly through My Window)

I finished off the day watching the movie The Secret Life of Bees.....enjoyed the book a few years ago and the movie was good too.

Today I had 25 kids and their Moms, Babysitters, Grandparents and Dads....a little bit of everything. We had fun! Tomorrow it's time for some puppets and songs. Fun! Fun! Fun!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Norris Burkes on war and Hope

Last Thursday evening, my friend Gayle T. and I went to hear Florida Today spirituality columnist Norris Burkes. Burkes is a former civilian hospital chaplain and Air National Guard chaplain who recently returned from four months in Iraq. My mother is the one who first got me reading his column several years ago...(he's been writing since 2001). I have always enjoyed his topics and his sense of humor...both of which made for an interesting evening. He grew up as a Southern Baptist, but as a chaplain he ministers to people of all faiths...which is what I think I find most appealing about him. He often talks about sharing your faith in a way that requires you to understand your audience and empathize with them. He talks about living your faith and sharing faith in a way that allows people to "see for themselves". I've been discouraged more than once by priests/ministers who get too caught up in the individual church (ie "do you believe the the Catholic Church is the one true church? no...that's part of my problem
or one who talked about the brother who a great guy but he was married to a Methodist, or the ministers wife from a Pentecostal church who was nervous about coming to my wedding..."because I've never been in a Catholic Church before". It's a church! what the heck did she think was going to happen...glad to report...she did come.
Growing up we attended the Catholic Church...my Uncle Dave was a monsignor...he baptized us, participated in the mass when Martha, David and I were confirmed and he married John & I. We always were friends with the priests in our parish...wherever we lived. But my mother (who went to mass every day growing up) encouraged us to go to church with our friends whenever the opportunity arose. For several years my good friend Lisa attended many CCD classes with Martha, David and I and we joined her at the temple for her Young Judea meetings. It was a great way to learn about each others religions and faith. I used to laugh because at one point in my life Megan was enrolled in a Baptist Preschool, while Brenna went to Holy Trinity Episcopal School and though I was raised Catholic...at that time we were going to a Methodist Church. (I figured we were covered!) (haha). I've been to Catholic, Episcopalian, Methodist, Jewish, Lutheran, Baptist,Presbyterian services....all of which I got something out of....but I'm still searching...and maybe I've got a bit of a chaplain spirit in me...because I feel it's important to embrace all faiths and try to understand what they believe. There is a lovely book called
God's Dream by Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Douglas Carlton Abrams, and LeUyen Pham (Hardcover - Aug 26, 2008) about the message of God's love for all of us. The illustrations are really nice and it is a great book for children of all ages. (like me. haha)
One of the best stories Norris Burkes shared in his column and the night we saw him...was about his trip back to the US after 4 months in Balad. The final destination was Baltimore, MD. The plane was packed full of men and women on their way home after up to 18 months in Iraq. As the were getting ready to land in Baltimore they hit some severe turbulence...oxygen fell...not just the bags...he showed a photo of the whole compartment that fell down onto the seats...the plane was shaking...bouncing and they were told to assume the "crash landing position". Imagine...how they all felt...finally HOME and ready to land...and thinking they were going to crash. The plane bounced twice and went up again and circled the airport for a very long 10 minutes. He joked that the "Crash position" for him...was the "prayer position". He said he and the Rabbi in the seat behind him and the Minister next to him all joined hands and prayed. They landed safely...and he joked "and the bus ride back to Sacramento really wasn't that bad."
He has some great stories of people he worked with, prayed with, prayed for; parents and soldiers he has comforted throughout the years. He wrote a book about his work as a hospital chaplain in the neonatal unit....and hopes to write about his time in Iraq. He had standing room only crowds both nights he was here...and the sponsor of the program suggested that we all get working on getting him a guest spot on Oprah. If he does...don't miss it! (since I don't normally watch Oprah...I'll have to keep an eye out myself!)

Sunday, June 21, 2009

One of the many reasons

In case anyone who knows me doesn't already know how much I disliked our last president...check out today's(6/21/09) Doonesbury cartoon...for one of the many reasons!
I'll leave it at that..............................................................

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Eli Stone is Back!

I am so excited...my show is back on! I had no idea....thought it was gone for good...like many others shows I've have grown to like over the years...just when you get into it...it's gone! Megan and I got hooked on Eli Stone...the premise sounded a little goofy at first...but I now I really like the storyline and the characters. And it's different than all the usual hospital /crime scene investigator stuff out there. So I was flipping through the channels while reading through blogs.. and I came across it. Hooray! Just checked Google..looks like tonight is the first of 4 episodes....so keep watching and maybe it will come back for good!

My what big feet you have my dear....

John' walking shoes

Anne's walking shoes

My family is convinced that I'm losing it....and sometimes I believe it too. And here is a prime example.....The other day I was getting ready for my daily walk/bike ride. These days I prefer the bike...because my heel is bothering me (plantar fasciiatis)plus I hate the sneaker tan....you know white foot to ankle then tan leg, but occasionally I will take a walk just to mix things up. Well....Monday I decided I was going to take a walk(it had been about a week or so) and went to find my shoes.

I keep them out by the washing machine. I didn't really think obviously I just grabbed a the pair of sneakers by the washer. I got my socks, put them on and thought they felt a little different...but assumed my fairly new shoes were finally broken in. After I got the shoes on I was walking around making sure everything was in order before I left, got my visor, sunglasses, etc and as I walked past the hall mirror...I thought to myself..."Geez,I didn't realize these shoes made my my feet look so big". I started to walk away, glanced again and realized I had John's shoes on! His feet are small for a guy...but you think I would have figured it out! They kind of look alike don't you think?? Humor me here! Look at the toes..... Haha ! At least I noticed this before I set out for my 3 mile walk!.... What can I say...........

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Jiggleman and other assorted entertainment

Fun time at the Library!

Summer time at the Library means lots of programs. Name a day of the week and we have something going on! Toddler Time, Lap Time, Storytime, Zumba (thank goodness I don't have to run that!) Crafts, Calligraphy, Puppet shows ( by us and also some by professionals) and various Entertainers coming by to perform. It's great for the parents/babysitters/grandparents, etc....because it's almost all FREE; because we have a very generous Friends of the Library group! My boss is super creative...she lines up most of the craft projects. If Ms. Anne is in charge...the craft is usually pretty simple...but cute! sometimes the adults are glad I planned the craft! haha .
Last Friday Dianne and I and some of out teen volunteers performed "The Little Red Hen". and a song with puppets.."Three Little Fishies" complete with bubbles. Considering the fact that we did not practice...things went pretty well. We had a minor mishap...when one of the girls bumped her head on the front part of our "stage"...that just so happens to be made from an ironing board. The " stage" dropped a few inches (stopped on her head)...and we all started laughing...audience included. After a brief minute to collect ourselves and a "Carry on" from Dianne (she's British) we managed to finish the show. They love anything we do...so everyone enjoyed it. The best part was after the program when I was explaining to Dianne what had almost happened...I managed to make the whole stage collapse. Luckily the group was mostly gone by then! haha and the ones that weren't laughed harder then we did. But..... this week we had the all time favorite.........................................................

JIGGLEMAN!He is a Juggler/Clown/Mime that the kids just love. (look him up on Google )He has wild hair and makes funny faces and noises. He never talks...just moves around to his music...(lots of good tunes I might add). Seeing as I am not normally too fond of Mimes or Clowns don't know why...but I just don't care for them .Apologies to all you clowns out there......
He bounces himself and other objects off a Giant Ball. Uses a leaf blower to make the balls and other objects float around and then as you can see in the photo....blows air into a HazMet suit...(the highlight of the show) and acts like he is being swallowed by the suit. He has performed on David Letterman....and what can I say...he's a hit! we had approximately 140-150 laughing kids of all ages in the meeting room yesterday afternoon enjoying the show. two down-eight to go...weeks that is!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

David at the Wells Street Art Festival

My brother David is up in Chicago this weekend at the Wells Street Art Festival. Paul went along to help him cart everything around, set-up, etc. From what they told me (and from what I saw on the Weather Channel) yesterday was miserable! until about mid-afternoon. This particular show requires you to set up the same day as the event...so they had to get there early to park, unload, etc. It's in an old area of downtown...one way streets and a "nightmare" according to Paul...who hauled everything about 5 blocks to the booth location. The temperature was in the 60's...and there was water everywhere...kind of a mess! and cold if your used to Florida weather...shoot 60's mean winter down here! However, the sun finally came out and it was a pleasant evening and lots of people came. Not much happened yesterday...but they were looking forward to a good day today because it was a beautiful morning (around 9:30am when I called).
About 68 and sunny....kind of perfect for an Art Show! David didn't really know what to expect...it's the first time he's been in this show.....but I just got a call from Paul and David got 1st Place on his big collage. "Burton's Reef"( the one he has priced 1,000,000 or Best Offer) haha
When he first put this collage together he was very excited about it...and it always gets a lot of attention...but this is the first Award! He is very happy....finally someone gets it! and if you could see me sitting here with a big grin on my face...you might think I won something too!.....I am really happy for him! Check out some of his art work here http://www.davidburtonartwork.com/. It's a little different...not what you'd find on most people's living room walls....but it's fun! and he has a great time creating it...so that's what it's all about.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

It's summertime!

In the interest of full disclosure...I feel I must add to the post telling family and friends about the wonderful things we have to offer our visitors here in Indialantic! (Mon. June 8th)
The fact is, it's HOT!
Damn Hot! (remember Robin Williams in "Good Morning Vietnam" (Love that movie! by the way)

It's the kind of heat & humidity that can do this to you................................
You start out like this----- ---------

and this------------------------------

and end up like this!
(laughing so hard at what a complete wreck you are after deciding to take a "scenic" walk to town) (in Costa Rica last Aug)(the folks at Subway were probably a little scared ! haha)

Or this....the unlucky kid that got talked into walking with me....

The kind of hot that makes you feel like you are melting after a short walk around the block.............or anything really. Triple digit hot...temperatures are in the high 80's/90's...but factor in the humidity and it's a tad uncomfortable! (if your like me...a little more "mature". hahaha.....it is just plain unbearable at times..)(hot flashes plus humidity...not pretty).....but our AC works great...and is set low much to John's dismay and there is the pool in the backyard and the beach.. and Moo's....coffee shake anyone?....so there are plenty of ways to cool off! Just be sure to bring a lot of t shirts or sundressesyou'll be changing often and a bathing suit and some sunblock the stronger the better and you'll be just fine. LIKE THIS!

.........minus the waterfall........haha

Thursday, June 11, 2009

My husband the 53 year old kid

I love my husband...but some days.........

John was leaving for a fishing trip to the Bahamas today...and I'm beginning to think part of the reason that he likes to fish is that it gives him a legitimate reason to get up in the wee hours of the morning.( I on the other hand usually don't go to bed until about midnight...so 4am is not the best time for me!) John always likes to get going early when it comes time for a trip...we are usually on one of the first flights out from the airport. This does have it's advantages...you can usually avoid delays, you get to your destination earlier in the day, etc, etc...but it can make for some cranky traveling companionslike ME for instance! we've gotten used to each other after 30 some years...but sometimes...like this morning he is just like a little kid. It's probably a good thing he was leaving super early...otherwise he would have been pacing the floor all morning just waiting to get going! The first time I woke up was at about 4:15am...when he got up and took a shower. Being used to the early morning noises...I can usually get back to sleep...which I did...until the alarm went off at 4:45am. I tried to stay in the "sleep" mode...but finally had to roll over and find and hit the OFF button. Next I felt I ought to get up and make sure by some odd turn of events...John hadn't dozed off out on the couch ....or one of the other rooms....no sign of him anywhere.....I discovered the car was gone...so figured he went to find coffee at wherever they serve coffee at 5am! (this is Indialantic after all.....no Dunkin Donuts or anything...just the 7/11) . I went back to bed and fell asleep until he came home from having his coffee and said good-bye...since it was now finally time for him to go! By this time I was having trouble getting back to sleep......so I tried my usual tricks to relax and clear my mind....and it worked...sort of. I finally got up about 5:30am and decided take a nice warm bath where I could relax sleep until MY alarm went off and I had to get myself ready for work.

All I know is I sure hope there is some fresh tuna on that boat when it comes back on Sun/Mon.! Haha!

Speaking of sleep...I have to laugh to myself,,,when I think about all the Moms(mostly) who come to the Library for a book that will help them get their child to sleep through the night. I always point them in the right direction with a smile as I think to myself... "Good Luck!My kids are 21 & 24 and I'm still trying to figure that out!" As babies....it seemed like every time I thought I had them figured out.on a schedule.....someone would get a new tooth . get sick or something and throw things out of whack! This would require a parentMom getting up to rock the baby back to sleep.(actually...I really didn't mind these late night/early morning times with my kids...what could be cozier...little baby just looking up at you and so content!)(that is...if they were content...not sick, getting a tooth, etc, etc)Then when they got older one would have trouble getting to sleep...which would require mean that dear old Mom would get a book and lay on the floor with her pillow and read doze off while desperately trying to get said child relaxed and to sleep. The I would wake up on the floor...with a "crick" in my neck, arm or whatever and manage to get myself into my own comfortable bed without waking anyone myself included up.( You know what I mean...try to stay in that sleepy state...not "really" awake)

When my kids got older...it was hard to get them to go to bed...they turned into "vampires" (that's what I used to tell them) they came alive after dark. But having always been more of a night person myself...I could relate...and as long as they got up and got going when they needed to...we could compromise. I think of my poor mother with 8 of us and I figure she never got a full nights sleep for about 30 years! we were either waking up at all hours, coming home at all hours, doing homework....________ fill in the blank...and some were night owls...some were not...no wonder there was ALWAYS coffee around; and when she did manage to doze off on the couch something I do regularly when I'm" watching" TV she had her share of "cricks" in her neck! Ah! the joys of parenthood!....which finally brings me back to the subject of my husband...the 53 year old kid who I still haven't figured out how to get to sleep through the night! Haha!

On a totally unrelated note....Brenna and I both enjoyed a segment on NPR this evening on "The Least Appropriate Wedding Songs Ever"...my personal favorite...being "Send In The Clowns" used for the processional........it's a good thing the Burton Family(Jenifer in particular)(can't you just imagine!) wasn't there....we would have disrupted the whole ceremony because we would have been laughing so hard ...if you know me you have seen what happens when I get going! hahaha Here's the link....

*I was listening to the segment thinking about people who would enjoy it...when the phone rang and it was Brenna calling to ask me if I was listening....what can I say..."great minds think alike!"

Monday, June 8, 2009

It's Summertime!

It's summertime! and you know what that means...it's time to head to __________________.

Somewhere....and if you decide to head to the beach...we

have just the place for you! Just about 5 blocks from the beach
and a pool and hot tub in the back yard and lots of local places to entertain our guests.

We have two greeters just waiting for visitors!

We have Haze and Kiena ready and waiting.....waiting for you to toss the bone or drop some food or scratch their backs

Haze will join you in the hot tub

still hoping to get you to throw the bone

Relax in the shade of the Palm trees and float in the cool of the pool!

The beach is just down the road........

In the heart of Indialantic...you can

hit the boardwalk...... for Wendy's, Boardwalk Burritos, Starbucks, Cold Stone Creamery and Bizzarro's

A1A & Fifth Avenue at the Boardwalk

Or head north by our house and ride the bike or walk up to one of the beach access spots...where it's nice and quiet.

Catch the locals talking about their latest fishing escapades while you have a bagel and a cup of coffee or a smoothie here...................................

Or....here for the best fresh muffins and cheese omelets in town.according to Anne John recommends the homemade meatloaf and mashed potatoes.

And you can't make a trip to town without making at least one visit to the locals spot...you are pretty much guaranteed to see at least one familiar face....and you may hear the fish stories you missed or already heard in the morning at Corey's.

And then you can finish off your day with a trip to MOOOOOOOOO's, for a refreshing milkshake, hurricane treat or soft serve cone.

OR........you can head over the rivernot through the woods to downtown

Historic Melbourne

to Meg O'Malley's for dinner, a drink and some lively entertainment.

No matter how much or how little you want to do..we'd love to have you here!